Buon Ricordo plates are part of Italian cultural history, and have graced many a kitchen wall up and down Italy for the last more than 50 years. They were given at selected restaurants to customers who ordered that restaurant's speciality, as a reminder of a delicious meal and a good memory, or "buon riccordo".
The idea for the plates was born in 1964, just as Italians began to travel more and, being Italians, eat out at restaurants. It was the idea of Dino Villani, an important figure in the Italian advertising industry, who was looking for a way to promote restaurants serving typical regional dishes and valuing local cuisines. So the idea for the plates was born, and the ceramicists of Solimene in Vietri sul Mare, in Salerno in the South of Italy, were chosen to produce them.
Vietri has long been a traditional centre of Italian ceramics. The idea for the Buon Ricordo plates happily coincided with a flourishing of Italian ceramics exemplified by artists such as De Simone, who applied modern decorative techniques to traditional themes, in a fun and natural style, which has become very distinctive. Each plate features the name of the restaurant and its location, along with the name of their speciality dish. The plates were all painted by hand following the original designs, making each one unique.

Piatto del Buon Ricordo
Vintage Piatto del Buon Ricordo Plate (Enoteca Ombrone Grosseto - 1982)

Piatto del Buon Ricordo