Kevin Seah Selection

Vintage Chaplet of the 5 Wounds in Bloodstone & Sterling Silver

$1,600 SGD
A very rare vintage chaplet of the five wounds, from the early years of the 20th century.

The Chaplet of the Five Wounds is a Passionist chaplet devoted to the Holy Wounds of Jesus.

The chaplet is due to Father Paul Aloysius, the sixth superior general of the Passionists. The devotion also honors the mystery of the risen Christ which has the marks of the Five Wounds. Pope Leo XII approved the chaplet in 1823.
Characteristics of this chaplet are as follows:

The Chaplet of the Five Wounds consists of 5 groups of 5 beads each

1) Sterling Silver medals of the Five wounds - extremely rare to find these in sterling silver!!!

2) All metal parts are sterling silver: Connecting chain, rings, medals, center

3) Beads are high quality Bloodstone of 11 mm diameter, hand cut. This chaplet has 25 beads, grouped into five sets.

4) Length is 48 cm (19.2 in.)

5) Weight - 72 grams.

6) Sterling Silver.

29 beads in total, 5 Sterling medals one for each of the wounds, ending with a sterling medal of the Virgin Dolorosa with 7 arrows through her heart on the obverse and the 5 wounds on the reverse.

The Five wounds are as follows :

1. Wound in the left foot of Our Lord,
2. Wound in the right foot,
3. Wound in the left hand,
4. Wound in the right hand,
5. Wound in the Sacred side of Jesus.

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